Owners of Chaotic Good Co in Elaborate Fantasy Cosplay Costumes, Channeling Their Forbidden Realm Origins

Unearth the True Origins of Chaotic Good Co

Chaotic Good Co. is founded by 3 friends that live in the fantasy realm, who have grown tired of magic mischief & monsters. 

We have decided to start a side quest in the human realm roleplaying as humble merchants. 

Help us fulfil our lifelong grind to sell our wares and reach max level.

We ventured into the mortal plane world, adopting clever human disguises while “cosplaying” our true forms in secret. We attended countless concerts, dancing to the rhythm of otherworldly melodies, all while trying to fit in with the locals.

We discovered the peculiar activity called "Dungeons & Dragons”. An all too close for comfort game that seems to be mocking our home, full of strange monologues and questionable dice rolls.

One fateful night, under the influence of what the humans call "alcohol," we decided to talk about our plans in a crowded tavern. Little did we know we were overheard by the humans, who couldn't get enough of our otherworldly ideas of whimsical designs on the finest cloths, and thus, Chaotic Good Co was born.

Our love for all things “geeky” in this realm had paved the way for us to become the worlds best interdimensional merchants.

Which leads us to present, friends from the Forbidden Realm, living as humans by day and crafting the most epic fantasy fashion by night.

Each of our designs is a nod to our shared love for all things fantastical and homage to our journey so far.

Join us on this adventure, where chaos meets creativity, and geekiness reigns supreme. Together, we'll unveil the true magic of Chaotic Good Co—one quirky design at a time!

Chaotic Good Co Logo Surrounded by Star Wars Props and Stickers - Celebrating Our Geeky Universe!